Fusion is at the cutting edge of integrated therapeutic coaching
Founding Chair of BACP Coaching, Linda Aspey, says:
'In the field of coach-counsellor integration, Frances is a trailblazer'

Fusion plus mindfulness is the combined intervention of choice for The Foundation for Ribble Valley Families.

'Frances, if I were asked to nominate a hero, I would nominate you for the amazing work you do to promote mental
health.' Lynne Burke, Director of youth charity, IGNITE
You can view a selection of professional articles by Frances here.
Sleep like a baby
Do you want to know the secrets of how to achieve deeply refreshing sleep?
When we worry, sleep is often the first thing to suffer. The quality of our sleep is intimately connected to our happiness and wellbeing, and poor sleep can lead to depression.
If you, or your clients would like a copy of the free eBook 'The Blackboard Technique: teach yourself to sleep like a baby', please apply here:

INSET training for 34 teaching staff in a Bedfordshire school Sept 2016 indicating a significant 50% post-training improvement in understanding of mental health.
'I felt compelled to email to thank you so much again for these first three days of the course.'
'It's the best course I have ever been on. What you have achieved is so worthwhile and inspirational.'
'It reaches both sides of the brain, logical and emotional and therefore everything made perfect sense! It has helped me to realise the direction I want to, and can, move in during the second half of my life.'
'I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the course, particularly the section on guided visualisation and the differences between the rational and emotional brain.'
'Practical exercises were valuable tools to learning and allowed immediate theory to practice application. '
'The skills I have been able to learn in such a short space of time have been invaluable. My future looks even brighter with all these extra tools added to my belt.'
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Where coaching and counselling connect
A lot of people think, if you've got a problem you need a counsellor, but if you're a high flyer trying to reach 'peak efficiency', you need a coach. Right?
Wrong ! Find out more in my article The Super Coaches Are Coming.
OK or not OK?
In truth, we often find ourselves at different positions on the ‘continuum of well-being’. Sometimes we are in the ‘OK’ zone and sometimes we slip into the ‘not OK’ zone. It's just part of dealing with the inevitable ups and downs of life.
As human beings, we are constantly reacting, interacting and responding to the environment in which we find ourselves, through a range of instincts and emotions that serve the purpose of prompting us to get our needs met. Sometimes that feels good and sometimes, let’s face it, it feels not so good.
You simply can't package people up and fence off their ‘bad stuff.’ Surprise, surprise, highflyers have emotions too. They also have relationship issues and personal problems, and those issues and problems inevitably have an impact on effectiveness at work.
So, wouldn't it be great if we could all have access to a therapeutic coach who could meet our needs wherever we are on the Continuum of Wellbeing*; someone who could help us achieve goals yet also support us with problems and help us move towards being our best selves and living our very best lives?
This is where a Fusion Therapeutic Coach can help.
Fusion: The model
A 'model' is a belief or theory. The Fusion Model is based on the belief that human beings have physical and emotional needs and, if those needs are being met in balance, life will feel good. It is also based on the understanding that our emotions, instincts and behaviours are always trying to help us by pushing us towards getting those needs met.
Fusion: The system
It's all very well having a set of beliefs but, to fill the theory-application gap, we must a system for implementation; a practical way of using our underpinning model or philosophy for everyday living. The Fusion coaching system is the tried and tested, established method that integrates core counselling skills with advanced coaching techniques that fills that gap. For professionals, the five session manual can be used as a step-by-step blueprint for achieving enhanced client outcomes and it can also be used intervention-by-intervention to construct something bespoke for you, your clients and working practice.
Fusion: The toolbox of mind management skills
Emerging knowledge from the new brain sciences shows us how we can all learn better mind management skills.
Fusion teaches a range of skills that build into a powerful toolbox to deal with the challenges of life and improve emotional resilience.
For practitioners
Fusion's innovative integrated model was developed from 30,000 hours of client work by its originator, experienced psychotherapist Frances Masters. People who have completed Fusion training say it's really helped them broaden and deepen their working practice by adding so many practical and effective skills to their professional toolbox. In fact, Fusion is the only fast-track, fully integrated programme available in the UK, with a model used exclusively for over fourteen years by some mental health charities, and proven to consistently achieve excellent client outcomes in just 5 sessions.
On completion of the CPD accredited Skills Programme (120 credits) learners will receive a certificate from The Integrated Coaching Academy.
The Fusion Mindfulness Based Mind Management Skills Programme
Soon to be CPD accredited (150 credits) , the MBMM programme is a major and unique training opportunity with Fusion Therapeutic Coaching.
When you combine mindfulness with proven mind management tools, the whole, as they say is much more that the sum of its parts.
Discover what's included in this innovative training programme here.
Currently just £395

Feedback from the Diploma
Founder of Make Menopause Matter, Diane Danzebrink says:
'I discovered Fusion Therapeutic Coaching when I needed it most.
When personal circumstances left me with mental
and emotional issues I was lucky enough to find Frances Masters, Fusion has quite literally changed my life!
Having studied traditional counselling some years ago I was left feeling disappointed that I had not been taught how to help my clients move forward with their lives, I was so disillusioned I abandoned my dream of becoming a counsellor and followed an alternative career path.
My personal Fusion experience provided a real ‘light bulb’ moment for me, this was what my counselling training had been missing and I went on to complete the diploma in Fusion therapeutic coaching.
I am passionate about my work, having experienced the mental and emotional trauma of depression when I was least expecting it made me determined to use my experience to help others. '
Counsellor Donna Ward says:
'The Fusion training model has picked up the best of other therapeutic models, fused together with Frances’s knowledge and evidence of what really works. Incorporating coaching it is the full package!
For me it has provided the missing pieces of the jigsaw. I now feel hopeful and confident that I can really move my clients past sticking points and make some major breakthroughs. Frances’ knowledge and delivery was clear, professional and EVERY bit of what she taught us was useful. This was certainly not a course that was padded out.
It has changed my mind-set in so many ways. I have realised we don't have to complicate this process. What Frances has done with this model is fantastic. The Mindfulness Based Mind Management was a great course. It is very clear and easy to follow, concentrating on the facts and what really works; also what is realistic so it can be maintained.
Honestly, this has been the best training I have been on. Every bit of it was so valuable. I definitely got what I needed from the course. …definitely great value for money.
I feel very honoured to be part of Fusion. The skills I have learned will help gives people their lives back.'
More Feedback
It was inspirational. The amount of work that must have gone in over the years to bring this together is amazing. It was an excellent mix of lecture and practical exercises all of which made me feel I wanted to know more and more.
I have enjoyed everything about the course. I feel I have been taken on an amazing learning journey with a genius. You really are inspirational; such innovative forward thinking of a model that could, and should, be taken on worldwide. Thank you so much.
The Fusion Therapeutic Life Coaching course has been fascinating. The delivery of the course was exceptional and outstanding, so professional, clear, informative and interesting. I feel the skills I have learnt will be invaluable both professionally and in my career and personally in my own life. I
The course was written and structured in an extremely professional manner. Material was informative, thought-provoking and geared to a ‘foot strap’ learning style. Frances delivers in a confident, competent and highly interesting manner. She is obvious well practised as a therapist, coach and trainer.
Frances is an absolutely brilliant teacher who has developed such a superb course full of inspiring life changing and thought-provoking content which can be used professionally and personally. I would highly recommend the course to those wishing to work in the therapeutic profession. Many thanks.
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Coaching =
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