I recently returned from lovely Lancashire where I delivered the first ever Master Trainer day of the Fusion 8 week Mindfulness Based Mind Management programme.
It’s fair to say it was well received. The overwhelming reaction was ‘wow!’
I’m pleased with it. It’s been hard work and the guided visualisation scripts for the trainers are still in production. But it seems to me, the process has brought together all of the loose ends, taking the Fusion Model to the next level and offering, what I believe to be, the best mental health practitioner training currently available in the UK.
It’s fast-track and affordable too. Perhaps someone could tell the NHS? They seem to be worried that, even with £1.3 billion allocated funds, they will not be able to train sufficient practitioners in 4 years!
After 8 days’ training the Fusion Therapeutic Coaches and Trainers are highly skilled and fully armed to work with clients where ever they present on the ‘continuum of wellbeing’. And with the 8 week MBSR now part of the Fusion programme, there are even more ways to help people build emotional resilience rather than for society to have to ‘fire-fight’ each personal crisis as it occurs.
Mindfulness Based Mind Management
Mindfulness is all about focus.
It’s the brain training that strengthens the mental muscle of the pre frontal cortex, the seat of our executive control.
It’s certainly a powerful mind management tool. The Fusion programme makes new and critical links with cutting edge neuroscience such as epigenetics, mapping the connectome and polyvagal theory. When people understand just why it works, why wouldn’t they spend 5, 10 or 15 minutes a day simply sitting in the presence of their own thoughts? ‘Show me the evidence base’ is the modern mantra.
And why not?
Knowledge is power after all. Most people do not want a mental health diagnosis. They simply want an explanation for how they feel and a practical strategy for feeling better as soon as possible, restoring hope.
On week 1 of the MBMM programme, delegates are encouraged to go for a mindful walk and ‘see with new eyes’. It’s known as ‘beginner’s mind’. On the course, I make the connection with the powerful brain filter, the Reticular Activating System (RAS).
Counsellor Liz Blackburn made the connection too. She contacted me yesterday:
‘I would just like to say how much I enjoyed the course and the Train the Trainer and MBMM.
Here is a story…… When a returned home after the final day, I went for a mindful walk.
So often I do this walk quickly, just to get the exercise. I live in a beautiful place (even though it might be a bit wet) but so often I don’t appreciate it. Within 100meters from my house I spotted a buzzard soaring in the sky. Then I went on to notice a young hare playing in the lane. Further on I stood for a short while to watch the swallows and swifts, trying to identify the differences between the two.
The curlews are still here, not returning to their coastal homes for the winter yet. Further along I spotted an owl as it took off from a nearby gate post. At this point I thought to myself “all I need now is to see a deer. I will do before I get home”, I thought with confidence.
Almost immediately, I had hardly turned the corner when there in front of me was a young red deer, just grazing in the field. This really proves the power of RAS!! That was for me; the perfect walk… I continued on my way home, only to notice some sloe berries growing on bushes that I had passes many times before but never noticed them. (It looks like I may be making Sloe Gin this autumn.)
What enjoyment to have a “Mindful” walk.’